Make a difference in your community.
Make an impact on your future.
Leave a positive impact on the environment.
A day with in our Corps will find you in an urban setting. The Conservation Corps of Long Beach handles projects ranging from recycling to ensuring trees are nourished, and even learning core construction skills and using power tools. Workforce development through environmental projects and education opportunities are the two important aspects of our program.

Since 1987 we’ve been on a mission to support young people in realizing their potential through work, service, conservation, and education.
Program Components
Workforce Development
Corpsmembers are paid hourly to learn and become increasingly self-sufficient. CCLB offers an array of training that leads to industry-recognized credentials, internships, personal development and more.
Educational Opportunities
While working, Corpsmembers without a high school diploma will be enrolled with The Education Corps and begin to chart a path towards their future goals.
Work Projects
CCLB’s work projects include building and maintaining local parks and greenbelts, planting drought tolerant landscapes and installing irrigation systems, doing fire fuels reduction work, working at our urban lumber yard and even being stewards of our local waterways. These and many more projects help Corpsmembers become environmental stewards of their communities and truly make a difference.